Forums » General StepMania » DDR Pad Info?

DDRGame isn't exactly somewhere I'd go for buying pads given their track record

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Post deleted. That was inflammatory and not constructive.
Instead of it being a $10 pad that will break in a few weeks it is now a $60 pad that will break in a few weeks. The technologies in the foam and soft pads are the same they aren't very good, only intended for beginners. These are a step up from the soft pads because they feel better on your feet while they work, but that doesn't mean it will last longer. I tore through a dozen soft pads in my first year playing DDR half of them were foam pads until I decided to invest in a doubles Cobalt Flux, and even those only last me about 2-3 years before they wore out or broke which is what lead me on my path towards creating an unbreakable dance pad, I basically engineered out all of the factors that failed over time.

Last edited: 15 February 2014 3:38pm

Is the precision pad working well with windows 8? It looks like a very good dance pad.Instead of it being a $10 pad that will break in a few weeks it is now a $60 pad that will break in a few weeks. The technologies in the foam and soft pads are the same they aren't very good, only intended for beginners. These are a step up from the soft pads because they feel better on your feet while they work, but that doesn't mean it will last longer. I tore through a dozen soft pads in my first year playing DDR half of them were foam pads until I decided to invest in a doubles Cobalt Flux, and even those only last me about 2-3 years before they wore out or broke which is what lead me on my path towards creating an unbreakable dance pad, I basically engineered out all of the factors that failed over time.
My omega GX is working fine with Windows 8. No problems

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