Forums » General StepMania » 'unload' an actor in lua

So I know you load assets and stuff using LoadActor, but how do I get rid of them?

Also, how do I make the start sound (when pressing enter at the title screen) different from the "advance to next screen" sound? Or is it not possible? Maybe it's just an issue with my bad coding...
1. Last time I checked, you can't unload actors. Why are you trying to get rid of them? You could just reuse them.

2. The easy way would be to have your advance to next screen sound called "Screen out" in your sounds folder, and for the title menu have a sound called "ScreenTitleMenu out".
<YungDaVinci> but what does it mean
<YungDaVinci> what is kyzentun
<Kyzentun> It means Kyzentun.
<Jousway> what the fuck is a Kyzentun
You can use visible,false to make it invisible. If it has a name, you can use RemoveChild on whatever contains it (if not an ActorFrame that you know about, the screen contains it) to delete it.
1. Last time I checked, you can't unload actors. Why are you trying to get rid of them? You could just reuse them.

2. The easy way would be to have your advance to next screen sound called "Screen out" in your sounds folder, and for the title menu have a sound called "ScreenTitleMenu out".

Im having an issue with my theme where it's loading the video for my game select screen while I'm in the options screen, so I have two videos playing at once. That's why I want to unload an actor.
if you want screens to be diffrent dont let them fallback on eachtoher. like change ScreenOptions Background or w/e you're using for your videos n BGAnimations :V
Its not a bug its a FEATURE!
if you want screens to be diffrent dont let them fallback on eachtoher. like change ScreenOptions Background or w/e you're using for your videos n BGAnimations :V
Thanks, I fixed it after searching through a bunch of redir files. Turns out they were all loading the same thing.