Forums » General Questions » BackGround won't load for song...

So im attempting to make my own simfile, i started with the Backgroung, i followed how to do it from another person but it didn't work. I tried another solution but it still didn't work right...
do you know what's going on and how to fix? thanks...
image 1
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image 3

Last edited: 16 July 2016 9:17pm

ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ flex your dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
Your file is named f7_bg.png yet in simfile you refer to it as f7_bg

Just add .png and reload songs.
Another way is to just add the "-bg" suffix to the background filename (not "_bg") and StepMania will recognize it automatically as a background. I think it works with banners too by adding the "-bn" or "-banner" suffix.

You'll need to remove the banner and background filenames from the .sm file, though.

Last edited: 22 July 2016 1:35am
