Forums » Themes » [5.x Theme] Lambda (The new default theme)

After some other adjustments/tweaks, the slight revamp, which I am calling Lambda 2.0, is now available for download here

If you liked the previous version better, as featured in 5.1 beta 1, you can download it here

Last edited: 5 February 2018 7:08pm

I will say that it's a pretty nice theme, though, overall, I'd say that it's time that we lose the idea of covering screen elements at high DPI/if at all. Instead of covering 2 songs (unevenly) in the music selection screen, why not put the per player stats on the left side? At DPI >1080 why not redesign the song selection screen with the wheel in the middle to use up some of the extra whitespace?

[screenshot of unfinished theme to illustrate the first point]

that will be for a different day.

Also, earlier this week a major oversight was found in Lambda's implementation of letter grades, which has since been fixed. That's why you've been getting AA grades that are way too generous than they're supposed to be.