Forums » General Questions » Need Help BPM/Beat Offset

I made a song and it seems really close, but I cant find any good info on how to get exact BPM and Beat Offset numbers. I'm using MixMeister, Audacity, Goldwave, Sony Vegas. The song is Freak the Freak Out Nocturne Bootleg Remix, I can upload the files if anyone wants to give their analysis or play the song and see if its off? I'm using a PS2 DDR Pad to USB converter on my PC, using HDMI to TV and sound directly out of TV speakers. Ive been adjusting the beat offset with F11 F12, also noticed F6 does an auto calibrate of the beat offset? I tried adjusting with headphones but does the tv speakers or pad cause delay?

I'm not great with audacity or goldwave and new to all of this, Really excited to make songs though and want this song to be Perfect, please help?!