Forums » General Questions » Weird command bar

So I have this odd command bar resting at the top of my screen. It seems to cause lag at times and also prevents me from seeing my "life bar." For some reason I cannot get a picture of this at the moment, but hopefully you know what i'm talking about, and how to get rid of it, as for some reason it appeared randomly and will not go away.
Hit the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard at any time in stepmania then look in %APPDATA%/StepMania 5.0/Screenshots/ You'll find the screenshot in there. The filename will be the date and time the screenshot was taken at.
If it's a sort of dark greenish color and the text in it is reporting an error, the way to make it go away is to use a theme that doesn't have errors.
At this time, the themes known not to have errors are:
Default, Consensual, Simply Love, and Ultralight.
< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit
I have default, and the letters are not green, they are white. I can copy exactly what they say:
Cabinet: 000000 (Binary, these number change, as do the numbers below)
Controller 1: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Controller 2: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000
hold F3 and press 4.
You are a saint.