Forums » General Questions » [Tutorial] StepMania 5 - Changing Note Speed on Linux

Hello. Because I spend a few hours[days] on solving my problem. I've decided to share my progress with you guys.
The original tutorial may be found here:
(if you wonder that I copied it from somewhere)


I've installed Stepmania from ppa for ubuntu.

Tutorial how do install Stepmania can be found here

It installed the game as "sm-ssc"

going to /usr/games/ and checking the sm-ssc file You can see that

 cat /usr/games/sm-ssc

if [ ! -d $HOME/.config/sm-ssc ] ; then
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/sm-ssc
cd $HOME/.config/sm-ssc
ln -s /usr/lib/games/sm-ssc/stepmania
ln -s /usr/lib/games/sm-ssc/
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Announcers
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BackgroundEffects
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BackgroundTransitions
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BGAnimations
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Characters
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Courses
cp -a /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Data .
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/NoteSkins
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Scripts
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Songs
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Themes

cd $HOME/.config/sm-ssc
# Such links did not exist before 5~alpha3-1~getdeb3~quantal
if [ ! -h $HOME/.config/sm-ssc/Announcers ] ; then
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Announcers
if [ ! -h $HOME/.config/sm-ssc/BackgroundEffects ] ; then
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BackgroundEffects
if [ ! -h $HOME/.config/sm-ssc/BackgroundTransitions ] ; then
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BackgroundTransitions
if [ ! -h $HOME/.config/sm-ssc/BGAnimations ] ; then
ln -s /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/BGAnimations

cd $HOME/.config/sm-ssc
./stepmania $@

it creates links to ~./config folder. Let's go to the originals...

Now, we know that the main folder is in /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/
But which file should we edit?
I've searched on Google for tips how do to that and almost all of them were for Windows.
They said to go to some Machine profiles or to themes/_fallback/machineblabla
Pointlessly searching for the files, I used LINUX to help me find the file.
I knew that the basic speed is for example c450. And that was my "key word"

Using following command, I was able to find a file that contained the "c450" string.

grep -Ril "c450" /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/

and as a result I got:

/usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Themes/_fallback/Scripts/03 CustomSpeedMods.lua

At first I just used

[s]gedit /usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Themes/_fallback/Scripts/03 CustomSpeedMods.lua[/s]

but it was WRONG. Because of the space. So I used quotes and it was also not good enough because it was READ-ONLY.
Thus... Root comes into the play.

sudo gedit "/usr/share/games/sm-ssc/Themes/_fallback/Scripts/03 CustomSpeedMods.lua"

And now just CTRL+F and find "c450"

 local DefaultMods = StringToModTable("0.5x,1x,1.5x,2x,3x,4x,c750,c1000,c1200,8x,C250,C450,m550")


Mine is already changed as I don't have 5x, 6x and 7x. But it’s an example how to edit such variable

Save the file and it’s ready!

Hope it helped you in some way.


Last edited: 27 April 2015 2:07pm

This is irrelevant to any release after SM5 beta 4 because releases since them have a system designed to make this irrelevant.
If you have to edit CustomSpeedMods, you should use a newer release.
Building from source is not difficult, you just have to use the package manager to install the dependencies on this page and cmake, then follow the instructions in Build/
< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit
PPAs for StepMania are very outdated, no one should use these unless they don't care about the new features (such as the custom speed) or new/updated themes.
I'm using Linux too (Ubuntu 14.04) but I compiled StepMania from git. It's not hard, you just have to download the source package and dependencies to build SM, then you just type in a terminal:




cp src/stepmania . && cp src/ .

And double-click on the stepmania executable file.

Last edited: 1 May 2015 5:46pm

Compiling with autotools is deprecated now because maintaining all the project files across the 3 platforms was too cumbersome. The preferred method for compiling now is to use cmake.
There are instructions for compiling with cmake in Build/ They boil down to this:

cd Build
cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' .. && cmake ..
make -j8

After the make completes, the executable will be in the stepmania folder.
< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit
Oh well, the docs still say with ./, I guess it needs a little update :p

Thanks for the information though, I'll be using cmake instead.