Forums » General Questions » Is it possible to run SM 5 from a usb?

I have been told by a fellow player that it is possible to run stepmania 5 through a usb, so i tried it and i got an error, i tried again and still got an error, so i was wondering if it was just a issue with my folder or what? id really like to know if this was possible...
ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ flex your dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
I believe it's to do with FFMPEG. Are you running it on the same PC where you copied the files from?

Last edited: 11 November 2016 8:04pm

yes, i tryed the usb copy with my pc and someone elses pc, both had this error
ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ flex your dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ