Forums » News » Stepmania 5.0.6 released

I (Kyzentun) made a mistake when fixing a crash bug the night before release that broke bpm editing.
This fixes that mistake.

Other fixes:

Backslash key can be mapped.
Deleting steps no longer crashes.

Get it from the downloads page.

Note for linux users:
The path used by make install has changed to /opt/stepmania-5.0 from /opt/stepmania-5. Check ~/.stepmania-5.0/Logs/log.txt to make sure the version you're running is actually up to date.

Last edited: 19 February 2015 6:28pm

< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit
Anyway to get the pause button as the mute sounds, again? Just like SM3.9*

Last edited: 19 February 2015 7:36am

I never used SM 3.9, so could you describe exactly how the pause button muting sounds worked? Is all sound muted as long as it's down, or does it toggle with each press?
< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit
I never used SM 3.9, so could you describe exactly how the pause button muting sounds worked? Is all sound muted as long as it's down, or does it toggle with each press? A global key toggle on or off. Possibly added to one of the options on F3 :3

On SM3.9*. Mutes all sound with the exception on transitional to the next options/screen (I do not know why sm3.9* does not mute those transitions).
Pretty much benefits me, or some, on the annoyance on the "sfx tick" sounds for just moving each measure on editor mode (especially on when holding tab :3). Or just a handy tool on muting for streaming/recording purposes or smo waiting lobby for friend(s)/player(s) not listening to the limited loop of a 30sec song on the songwheel or main theme song like moonlight.

I know there is an alternative (hardware sound manager/mixer etc)... but being a sm3.9* player for so long this is just my habits of making a song or recording a video just pressing that [pause/sys req] button :D

Added a video for example:

on another note...

Also, I do not know if this was added or already feature requested, an added "live update" on default globaloffsetseconds option with manually inputted number?
Instead of restarting StepMania and changing preferences.ini or setting it just doing the "calibrate sync" tapping option again.

Since, I mention it, I do not know if editable.ini has default globaloffsetseconds for each profile...
If not is it possible to add globaloffsetseconds on each player/profile?
I play pad and kb... pad has lag with ps2->usb adapter(EMS2 USB)... a -0.9* sometimes more/less.
While I normally set the my KB play on 0.000. So using a PAD prefs.ini with a KB play going a bit off with -0.9* offset.
Currently I just switch around "Prefs-P.ini" and "Prefs-K.ini" when pre-loading depending which setup I go to.

Last edited: 20 February 2015 8:45am

in songs (L'amour et la liberte (DDR Ver.), Taj He Spitz (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Re-Touch)) the banner is not visible if the jacket did not know why but if I change the name so if but should not be so
in songs (L'amour et la liberte (DDR Ver.), Taj He Spitz (Tommie Sunshine's Brooklyn Fire Re-Touch)) the banner is not visible if the jacket did not know why but if I change the name so if but should not be so


Work in Progress
or jubo you could stop using a theme with aids graphics that make eyes bleed, and aids soundfx that make ears bleed, like really asking for a function because a shitty themer uses shitty sounds gg 5/5 IGN would read again
Its not a bug its a FEATURE!
or jubo you could stop using a theme with aids graphics that make eyes bleed, and aids soundfx that make ears bleed, like really asking for a function because a shitty themer uses shitty sounds gg 5/5 IGN would read again
Actually Jousway, I agree that the little sounds on every little action and the menu music get irritating in practically every theme. That's why I haven't put sounds on every little action in my theme and left out menu music for so long (and even now, menu music requires the user to find something they like and configure it). I'm just busy with other stuff at the moment, so it's going on my mental list of things to do.
< cybik> til Kyzentun fixes bugs for breakfast
< maxvg1> shakesoda: then why do i still play lol
<@shakesoda> because you're an ITG player. And thus, a masochist
<@shakesoda> Kyzentun: I think you might need to put down the meshes for a bit